These rainy days are making us think the holidays are weeks, nay months away! We all know of course that the holidays are right 'round the corner and so is the Annual Pantry Press studio sale. We're postering the neighbourhood and wanted to share the poster with you too.

Our work with the Canadian Chefs' Congress takes us around the country meeting food producers, growers, fishers and the chefs and cooks who work with the bounty of our beautiful land. The land that feeds us. . .

Recently, we learned that a Boston based hedge fund called Baupost was working with the Highlands Company on a proposed mega-quarry in Ontario that will chew up 2,300 plus acres of prime farmland that sits on the headwaters of 4 major water systems and 1 sub system.

Well you social networks, get ready for the ink to hit the paper!‘P.S.

May 15 - 18, 2011 we'll be at the Javits Centre showing our wholesale lines of invitations and cards. Will we see you there? We're in booth # 1875.

This is our booth from the show in 2004, the last time we exhibited there. We've got lots of ideas about how to use the counters this year and we'll be adding new display areas up top.

We are two of the luckiest letterpress printers in the world! Our cards are now being carried in Toronto by The Paper Place and Red Pegasus. We haven't had a retail outlet in Toronto for a few years now. It's given us the impetus to start thinking AGAIN about the National Stationery Show this May in New York. Pondering, pondering, pondering.

Limited edition prints by Saxsofunny. What a great video.

It's not too late to catch two of our invitations in the Toronto Life Wedding Guide.

Here is a video of the process of making our clients' invitations. The video covers the duplexing of paper (which yields a very thick card stock), platemaking, cutting, ink mixing and printing processes. It's a short video and at times (when I'm shooting) shaky, but it sums up the start to finish of a typical job in the studio. The process took four days, not including the design of the project.

Hey, check out the Grain Edit post today at where Ray Fenwick's UH / SO coasters are featured.

We purchased 2 Hens and a Rooster, and a goat for communities looking for self-reliance, health and hope in Africa, Asia and South America. The funds for this were raised by selling cards we designed specifically for the purpose. We're so proud of our customers who joined with us to make the project a reality.
Julie Gibb & Christian Morrison
Julie Gibb & Christian Morrison
My Photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
We are graphic designers and in Toronto, Canada.
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Pantry Press Inc. supports clean renewable electricity
Pantry Press Inc. supports clean renewable electricity
and is proud to be a bullfrogpowered company.
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